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Shocking! Hong Kong was returned to China just 22 years ago, but why are its people now sacrificing their lives for human rights?


Hong Kong used to be peaceful and thriving, but 22 years after it was handed back to China, demonstrations are now occurring frequently in it. September 28-29, 2019, a series of Global Anti-Totalitarianism Rallies were held across the world, in 24 countries and 65 cities. In order to defend their freedom, democracy, and legal system, people in Hong Kong did their utmost to fight against the CCP totalitarian regime, and they even paid the price with their lives. On November 2, Hong Kong people held another rally in Victoria Park with the theme “Emergency Call for Hong Kong Autonomy,” calling for the response of the people around the globe. Currently, people of 46 cities in 17 countries have shown their support.

We all know that since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) came to power, in order to stabilize its authoritarian regime in China, it has stopped at nothing to attack and eradicate all religious beliefs and groups. It has even deprived the ethnic minorities in Tibet and Xinjiang of their right to a dignified existence, and forced them to give up their own culture and praise its red regime. The CCP is opposed to any religious freedom and human rights, and also attacks and excludes dissidents. As a result, many Uyghurs in Xinjiang and Tibetans have become homeless, and some have even been interned in concentration camps and suffered forced indoctrination; The Church of Almighty God has been subjected to the frenzied suppression of the CCP, and Christians have been cruelly persecuted.
The facts show us that wherever the CCP is, there we can find fear, evil, violence, and war. Where the CCP is, freedom and democracy will be nothing but a pipe dream. The CCP is the root of darkness and evil in this world—it is an executioner abusing human rights and freedom. The people of Hong Kong have now fully seen the truth of the matter and no longer have any illusions about the CCP. They’ll never again be taken in by their lies. They have now stood up at the global front lines against totalitarianism for the sake of democracy and freedom. Their spirit has deeply moved the entire world. Today, the CCP’s myriad evil deeds, its lawless tyranny, have aroused the indignity of both God and man. This is why they are now paying a bitter price for their evil deeds.
We call on each and every person with conscience in this world to stand with Hong Kong and pray for them. May God lead them!

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